Hello valued Clarity House Customer?
Recently we’ve had a number of changes to the team at Clarity House. A couple of long serving Beauty Therapists left Clarity to set up together in their own premises and one has moved to a spa closer to their home. It would be easy to dwell on the sad loss of these very talented therapists but as with all change we have the choice to dwell on a negative or to look to the positive. We choose to wish these talented therapists all the best with their new ventures and we choose to get excited about recruiting new members to join Team Clarity.
However, it isn’t always easy to find great quality, experienced body or beauty therapists. We look to recruit caring, genuine therapists that put their clients at the centre of their treatments. It’s great fun meeting all the applicants we get here at Clarity House, but the best moment is when we meet someone who ‘just fits’. We’ve spent the past few months interviewing for three new beauty therapists and we believe we’ve struck gold. We think you are going to love the talent and experience that our newest Beauty Therapists bring to Clarity
Our first successful applicant was Rowan Symington Macintosh, Rowan gained her qualifications studying at City of Glasgow College. Rowan worked as a spa therapist at Airth Castle before joining Clarity House a few weeks ago. Rowan’s clients are already giving her 5 Star reviews, raving about their visits to Clarity House in Dunfermline. Welcome Rowan!
Next up is Natalie Mitchell, a beautiful return to work Mummy who worked for many years at Clarins Spa – Jenners in Edinburgh. Natalie trained at the Mary Reid International Spa School in Edinburgh. We love it when our therapists have gained valuable experience learning the spa touch, techniques and etiquette. We look forward to introducing Natalie to you very soon. Welcome Natalie!
We are still looking for a third. If you know anyone that you think would make a good Clarity team member please ask them to say hello to relax@www.clarityhouse.co.uk.
Now a note to YOU about the therapists at Clarity House. We think they are special, very special, this is mainly because they are all self-employed and genuinely care about making sure you have the best experience when you visit. You see, the thing is, if you don’t enjoy your visit then we all know you simply will not return. We work hard to make sure you choose to return to visit us again and again. We aren’t worried if you try different treatments with different therapists, in fact we encourage you to get some time with all the therapists, we are all different but what Clarity House therapists all have in common is YOU at the heart of what we do and the high standards that we aim for everyday.
I could go on and on, but i’ll stop for now by thanking you for sticking with Clarity House as we embrace change for good, positive change with YOU always at our heart.
Until next time,
Derek Walker – Body Therapist
Founder & Co-Director
Clarity House